現在的我,認識Adubh、Sayyid Khan、Qutb、Maududi、Rahman、Wadud...這一堆伊斯蘭研究的學者;明白伊斯蘭教是極理性,因為它的超自然元素最少、伊斯蘭教的救贖與神蹟無關;知道Rahman有個Two fold movement theory解讀可蘭經;也懂得發動聖戰的伊斯蘭組織,背後的神學理念和邏輯...今年的努力,總算多少有些收獲。
1. It has been suggested that, the internet is potentially empowering for marginalised Muslims, including women and those of same-sex sexuality. To what exent would you agree with this claim?
*2. Assess the contribution of either Falzur Rahman or Nasr Abu Zayd to Quranic exegesis.
3. In what ways might Sufism have a particular appeal for Muslims living in the West? Discuss with reference to 1 or 2 groups, movement or orders.
*4. Discuss the ways in which global Jihadist discourse has built upon and developed the ideas of Sayyid Qutb.
5. How convincing are attempts to incorporate the issue of hijab into Islamic feminist discourse?
*6. Shariah ought to stand in a polity as a symbolilc construct for the divine perfection that is unreachable by human effort... A religious state law is a contradiction in terms. (Abou El Fadl) Discuss.
7. Assess Tariq Ramadan's claim that living in a minority situation provides a welcome opportunity for Muslims to distinguish between essential and non-essential aspects of their religion - or, to put it another way, religious and cultural aspects of their identity.
8. With particular reference to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, discuss the changing face of Islamism in recent decades.
9. "UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18" What are potentially the most problematic areas in Islam? Discuss attempts by contemporary thinkers to modify some of the classical teachings in this area.
10. Abdolkanim Soroush has been described as the 'Martine Luther' of Islam. What do you think is meant by this, and how far would you agree?