

保獨裁政權 唯有血腥鎮壓

《明報》4月30日由突尼斯青年去年12月自焚起,革命的火苗已燃燒了4個多月,如火燒連環船般蔓延至中東北非所有國家。上周六,也門總統薩利赫(Ali Abdullah Saleh)成為繼突尼斯的本阿里(Ben Ali)、埃及的穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)後,第3個下台的領導人,也是時候做一個小總結。


利比亞、敍利亞、也門和巴林以武力對待示威者。在沙特阿拉伯的支持下,巴林國王血腥粉碎了民主運動;卡扎菲的武力鎮壓則引來北約與卡塔爾的介入;利亞總統巴沙爾(Bashar Assad)仍處於危險期,武力鎮壓無法平息示威浪潮;也門總統薩利赫失去軍方支持後宣布下台,換取不受起訴之赦免。




況且,也門並不是中東最獨裁的國家。2006年的總統選舉,薩利赫的得票是77%,反對派候選人得票是21%(穆巴拉克2005年選舉的得票率是89%),連歐盟的選舉監察組織European Union Election Observation Mission也說,儘管選舉有重大的瑕疵,但也是公開和真正的選舉(an open and genuine contest)。







Food for Run and Thought 35

「For me, the hardest part of an injury is watching the races go by that I had hoped to compete in. The only thing that makes it easier is thinking of how certain struggles make other accomplishments mean so much.」Dathan Ritzenhein

「Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way. Run often and run long, but never outrun your joy of running.」Julie Isphording, Marathon winner

「When you put yourself on the line in a race and expose yourself to the unknown, you learn things about yourself that are very exciting.」Doris Brown Heritage, Five-time World Cross-Country Champion

「I like to say, and I truly believe, that every run brings new experiences. You just don't know what they might be until you actually do the run. That's one of my major reasons for pushing out the front door as often as I do—the adventure of it all.」Amby Burfoot, Editor at Large, Runner's World

「Although raising three children is the best adventure of all, this phase of my life is not marked by freedom—in terms of liberties and indulgences with time. But there is freedom in running. There is liberty and indulgence with time, even 30 precious minutes, if that's all the day affords. I am reminded—even if not one single thing on my calendar reflects it—that adventure is out there, always whispering to me, calling me forward.」Kristin Armstrong, Author and runner


貧富懸殊促變天 中國速推政改

《經濟日報》2月18日沒有人料到,27歲的突尼斯青年Mohamed Bouazizi自焚,在中東地區掀起民主運動的浪潮,連一直被視為穩定的埃及也爆發大規模示威,軍事強人穆巴拉克於短短的18天便下台。星星之火、可以 燎原,民主運動更燃燒至較富裕的海灣國家,巴林也爆發大規模示威,情況岌岌可危。


青年置業難 高失業率積怨氣

香港與埃及最相似的地方,是年輕人買樓置業困難。now台的「撳錢」最近熱爆,而埃及近年最受歡迎的電視遊戲節目則是al-Beit Beitak(英文繙譯是The House is Yours),每集都送出一個住宅單位,由埃及一名富商贊助,讓打算結婚的男女參加。

埃及的置業文化或跟香港有點相似,普遍認為買樓置業是結婚的條件,但首都開羅的房屋供應遠遠不及需求。開羅不乏可以開發的地皮,但大多被財團圈了以建豪 宅,中小型樓宇的供應極缺乏。埃及年輕人即使大學畢業,也難以找到足以餬口的工作(整個中東也是,自焚的青年Mohamed,就是一名做小販的大學畢業 生),樓價昂貴對他們構成極大壓力。



貧富懸殊嚴重 香港超埃及



由 1967年至今,埃及只有18個月(1980至81年間)沒有實施緊急狀態令,政府長期打壓反對的聲音,反對派的前總統候選人更因「莫須有」的罪名下 獄,埃及示威者的口號之一「We are all Khaled Said」,就是紀念去年中遭警察虐打至死的28歲青年Khaled。埃及前總統穆巴拉克以社會穩定、民主化讓伊斯蘭極端組織勢力坐大、國情不宜民主為藉 口,以維持政權的認受性,爭取西方國家源源不絕的軍事援助。


高增長難為繼 內地宜早對策






英國報紙的周末版,無論《FT》、《Observer》還是《Sunday Times》都有些短打式的人物訪問。2月25日訪問了Halie Gebrselassie,試試用同一組問題問自己:

What was your earliest ambition?

I wanted to be a photographer, traveling around the world.

Public school or state school? University or straight into work?

I have no idea. A university degree is a must nowaday?

Who is your mentor?

I don't have a mentor in real life. If I really need to give a name, maybe 大前研一 is, his book《想做的事就去做》has a great impact on me.

How physically fit are you?

Fitter than most people, but not fit enough to run a sub 4 marathon.

Ambition or talent: which matters more to success?

Talent. I always have ambition but I am not that successful. Of course, discipline and passion are most important

Have you ever taken an IQ test?

Yes. Online IQ test, if my memory is correct, my mark is about 110. I am not a smart guy.

How politically committed are you?

I am a bystander, I am interested in understaind politics, but I have no interest in participating this game.

Do you consider your carbon footprint?

Sorry. I like traveling too much. It is painful for me not to travel for more than three months.

What would you like to own that you don’t currently possess?

More money, to fulfil my dream, running all races in this planet.

Do you have more than one home?

1/3? I share with my father and brother.

What’s your biggest extravagance?

To eat Hagendaz ice-cream in Hong Kong. In UK, 473ml just cost 2.07 pounds! HK, at least HK$50, more than a double!

In what place are you happiest?

With my dear, Miss S.

What ambitions do you still have

To finish at least 100 marathon races. Run at least a race in every country. To be a correspondent in the Middle East.

What drives you on?

You can only live once. When I become an old man, I can tell myself, I have had a good life and I didn't waste my life.

What is the greatest achievement of your life so far?

Have Ms. S to be my wife.

What has been your greatest disappointment?

I cannot have a job/career related to the Middle East/Marathon.

If your 20-year-old self could see you now, what would he think?

I am a lucky man! My life is more interesting than many.

If you lost everything tomorrow, what would you do?

Given that I can still run, my wife is still here. It is not a big deal.

Do you believe in assisted suicide?

Hard to say, as I believe in God, but I understand why people want to do it.

Do you believe in an afterlife?

In heaven?

If you had to rate your satisfaction with your life so far, out of 10, what would you score?


Food for Run and Thought 34

「Do the work. Do the analysis. But feel your run. Feel your race. Feel the joy that is running.」Kara Goucher, American long-distance runner

「We runners are all a little nutty, but we're good people who just want to enjoy our healthy, primitive challenge. Others may not understand running, but we do, and we cherish it. That's our only message.」John J. Kelley, Olympic marathoner

「 If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just finish the race. It's up to you.」Dave Scott, U.S. Triathlete

「I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.」John Hanc, running writer

「In the midst of regular life, running is the touchstone that breathes adventure into my soul. I can feel the trail under my feet, the press of the hill, the gallop of the track, the burn of my lungs, the stir of wonder and possibility. Running reminds me that there is more to me than what is readily apparent much of the time. I don't always need to see it, but oh how I need to know it's there. Like having an alter ego, or a super-cool super-hero identity.」Kristin Armstrong, Author and runner


Food for Run and Thought 33

「I look at running as meditation. It allows me to decompress, download, and get rid of a lot of negative stuff. That's my secret. I go inside myself.」Jeff Corwin, American animal and nature conservationist

「There's no cell phone, there's no way for anyone to get in contact with me, and I really, really like that. We don't have enough of that in our world anymore. Whether I'm out doing the mountains and I've got the dogs with me, or if I'm by myself, it's a great way to shut out our crazy world and business for an hour or whatever. That's probably my favorite thing about it.」Scott Bakula, Golden Globe-winning actor

「When I first started doing races, I didn't understand why people did them. I thought it was boring. But give it a try. If you're new to the sport, or maybe even an infrequent runner, try it. Once you do it and finish a race, there's such a feeling of self-accomplishment—that's really been one thing I've taken away from doing running events. Because it's just you, and you have just yourself to credit for doing what you did. It's always a great feeling afterward, because you know you did it all yourself.」Mike Bettes, Meteorologist, The Weather Channel

「I have always liked running, so it wasn't particularly difficult to make it a habit. All you need is a pair of running shoes and you can do it anywhere. It does not require anybody to do it with, and so I found the sport perfectly fits me as a person who tends to be independent and individualistic.」Haruki Murakami, author

「It seemed like an impossible thing, and as an actor, it's a funny thing. You spend your whole life pretending. Completing a marathon was the first time in my adult life I had done something that had a huge physical attachment to it. It required everything, not just my imagination, and that connection of your body and your imagination working together is, I think, why people go out in the morning and get their 40 minutes in.」Anthony Edwards, actor


Food for Run and Thought 32

「I thought about how many preconceived prejudices would crumble when I trotted right along for 26 miles.」Bobbi Gibb, first woman to finish the Boston Marathon, 1966

「Nobody cares if you're not a good dancer. Just get up and dance. The same holds true for racing. Whether first or last, we all cross that same finish line. Just get out there and run.」Dean Karnazes, Ultrarunner and best-selling author

「It's the one thing that's mine. My runs everyday are my thing. It's my therapy, my hour to myself. Nobody can really take it away from me... It's such a huge part of me. I love to say that I'm a runner.」Summer Sanders, Olympic gold-medalist in swimming

「I just think running makes me feel more disciplined. It makes me feel more committed, to not only my job, but to life. It makes me feel I'm doing all I can do to be as good as I can be.」Michael Waltrip, Race car driver

「The great thing about running is that somebody like me can go out there and actually achieve things. Particularly with this wonderful system of community races where you can enter and do as well as you can despite all that. I can work at it, I can apply myself, I can even learn stuff, my training methods and really achieve something.」Peter Sagal, Marathoner and host of NPR's "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me!"


Food for Run and Thought 31

「Life is short...running makes it seem longer.」Baron Hansen

「The gun goes off and everything changes...the world changes...and nothing else really matters.」Patti Sue Plummer

「Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any.」Anthony Bailey

「Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired...You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going.」George S. Patton, U.S. Army General and 1912 Olympian

「Coming off the last turn, my thoughts changed from 'One more try, one more try, one more try...' to 'I can win! I can win! I can win!」Billy Mills, Olympic gold medalist


Food for Run and Thought 30

「You can never be sure. That's what makes the marathon both fearsome and fascinating. The deeper you go into the unknown, the more uncertain you become. But then you finish. And you wonder later, 'How did I do that?' This question compels you to keep making the journey from the usual to the magical.」Joe Henderson, American runner, running coach, and writer

「Running hills breaks up your rhythm and forces your muscles to adapt to new stresses. The result? You become stronger.」Eamonn Coghlan, Irish athlete and 3-time Olympian

「I will always listen to my coaches. But first I listen to my body. If what they tell me suits my body, great. If my body doesn't feel good with what they say, then always my body comes first.」Haile Gebreselassie

「I sometimes think that running has given me a glimpse of the greatest freedom a man can ever know, because it results in the simultaneous liberation of both body and mind.」Sir Roger Bannister, English former athlete best known for running the first recorded mile in less than 4 minutes

「Running is not, as it so often seems, only about what you did in your last race or about how many miles you ran last week. It is, in a much more important way, about community, about appreciating all the miles run by other runners, too.」Richard O'Brien, runner

Food for Run and Thought 29

「Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.」George Sheehan

「Running is about finding your inner peace, and so is a life well lived.」Dean Karnazes, Ultrarunner and best-selling author

「Running! If there's any activity happier, more exhilarating, more nourishing to the imagination, I can't think what it might be.」Joyce Carol Oates, American author

「I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.」John Hanc, running writer

「Running is not, as it so often seems, only about what you did in your last race or about how many miles you ran last week. It is, in a much more important way, about community, about appreciating all the miles run by other runners, too.」Richard O'Brien, runner


















但這個美麗的國度,最近的政局倒令人擔心。也門的大部份收入來自石油,但也門油田生產的高峰期已過,未來的經濟何去何從?沒有人知道。突尼斯爆發苿莉花革命的震盪,在任超過三十年的總統薩利赫(Ali Abdullah Saleh)的權力被挑戰,近月來不斷爆發示威,要求薩利赫早日下台。
