

Food for Run and Thought 34

「Do the work. Do the analysis. But feel your run. Feel your race. Feel the joy that is running.」Kara Goucher, American long-distance runner

「We runners are all a little nutty, but we're good people who just want to enjoy our healthy, primitive challenge. Others may not understand running, but we do, and we cherish it. That's our only message.」John J. Kelley, Olympic marathoner

「 If you set a goal for yourself and are able to achieve it, you have won your race. Your goal can be to come in first, to improve your performance, or just finish the race. It's up to you.」Dave Scott, U.S. Triathlete

「I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.」John Hanc, running writer

「In the midst of regular life, running is the touchstone that breathes adventure into my soul. I can feel the trail under my feet, the press of the hill, the gallop of the track, the burn of my lungs, the stir of wonder and possibility. Running reminds me that there is more to me than what is readily apparent much of the time. I don't always need to see it, but oh how I need to know it's there. Like having an alter ego, or a super-cool super-hero identity.」Kristin Armstrong, Author and runner
