




十二月二日,進入第31屆的澳門銀河國際馬拉松卻發生了一件令人匪夷所思的怪事,所有跑手都跑錯路了,而且,跑錯還分為:跑錯了 跑得"錯了 之別。

情況大慨是這樣,比賽起終點同樣設在田徑場上, 比賽一開始,參賽者剛離開運動場之際,就跑住錯的方向,跑了幾百米後,有一部份的人發現不對了,但是因為人多,只能抱著十分懷疑地邊跑邊想,也不能跑回頭,就逼著跑另一條路回來,而另一部份的人就繼續跑向更錯的方向才回頭,所以就出現有些人跑多3KM(特邀跑手),有些人跑多1.5KM(一般跑手)的區別


1.  當跑到大約 5KM左右的時候,看到一班特邀跑手從後面衝上來(以我們衝 200米的速度)。除了可以近距離接觸跑手外,亦十分危險。

2.  前面10KM左右的路程,都由本地跑手領先,本地跑手這次可謂出盡風頭。

3. 還看到一名外藉跑手,一面說著 F開頭的奇怪英文字,一面從後面衝上來。




1. 對於在限定時間內不能完成的運動員,是否能補發紀念獎牌?他們可是因為路長了不能完成的。

2.既然大會亦承認路程是超過規定長度,對於一些真的有機會拿到破紀錄獎而又不能達標的跑手,是否能補發另一些獎項 (如:第二十八屆雅典奧運馬拉松,巴西選手德利馬因為受襲而失去金牌,最後他被授予體現傑出的體育精神的皮埃爾獎)




4 則留言:

匿名 說...

My name is Szeto (司徒), H.K., from H.K. (香港)

i also participated in the Macau Marathon, 2012.
Believe me, my mental calculation is very good, and can easily calculate the current running speed, consistently, whilst on the run.
But this was failed in the race, as i have to spend more than 12 min. in the first kilometre, and more than 2 hours 6 min., at the first lap, which is said to be only about 20km, according to the then kilometre no. plate, and some of the other kilometre no. plate, assuming an extra 2, 3, 4 ..., until 41, could not be found
Your reporting of the messy event is very detailed. I have searched quite many reports about the event, on the web, and may i say that your report is even better than the media reporters, and none of the reports mentioned that the Africans have to come from behind to win the race.


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

My name is Szeto (司徒), H.K., from H.K. (香港)

retrospectively, i recall that whilst having finished the race, and rest and toiletry, on 2nd Dec 2012, i tried to go back to the finish point to stay there for a few more minutes, share the race event atmosphere, looking for any acquaintance(s) crossing the finish line, etc..., which is a very usual and common practice, to me and to many other racers and their friends; but unusally and surprisingly, this was stopped by the security very strictly and adamantly; they did not allow me to go back to the track and field area, which was only filled with a few sparse people (please note that the Macau full Marathon has only a few hundred participants); this is very strange; in other events, even non-racers may be able to skip the volunteers' line into the finish point, looking for their friends
perhaps they are trying to stop racers and people from congregating together and causing further furor and commotion, to their already very confused and
mishandled situation
i at last went to the 2nd floor, and then the spectator stand, and whilst looking for my acquaintance waiting for their prize giving ceremony;
at this time which is exactly about (before and after) 5 hours after the race start, i witnessed those last racers rushing back slowly to the stadium, and of
course the racers just a few seconds after the 5-hour hurdle. But i didnt pay attention to whether they could receive the towel and / or T-shirt or not, as
at the time i didnt realise the issue

according to press reports, quoting the saying of the head of the Macau Marathon organiser, they will adopt a """人性化的處理方式""" to handle the matter

(note that they announced in the web site just one or two days after 2nd Dec 2012 that they have FULLY investigated the mistakes, """technical error""" of
the event); to me, it seems to be money back to the Africans, and medals, T-shirts, towels, web photos (if they have taken the post 5-hour mark photos), web
cert. (to be printed by the racers, (including me) themselves), other commemorative things, and formal finisher recognition, to those quasi-finishers

i will like to hear news in this respect further on

Note: i have just finished the 2012Shenzhen (Yantian) Mountain Marathon, 3 days ago 16th Dec 2012; compared with the 2011 mountain marathon edition, their
preparation and organisation has improved a lot; a lot of drinks, red bull, salt water, Pocari Sweat, other electrolyte drinks, chicken soup, natural and mineral water, etc.;

at least the risk of being run over by a car about several hundred metres before the finish point is much reduced (but in this respect, the driving ehtics of
Macau citizens are still very much better than the Mainland drivers); perhaps the Macau organiser can do that (much better improvement) the 2013 marathon edition (note that they are still looking for valuable comments and suggestions and continuous support from the runners)



Chong Hiu-yeung (莊曉陽) 說...

