

Free Lunch and 4 pounds Opera

There is no free lunch in the world, but free lunch is provided in SOAS everday and everyone is welcomed!

Free lunch is provided by an organization which promote vegetarian diet. Around 12:45pm, the volunteer set up kisok near the school main gate and start to distribute free lunch, until 1:45pm. The food is very simple, rice with vegetatable, potato and green beans. If you join the quene earlier, you probably will get orange/apple/pear or a small cake!

This free lunch can't be said as very delicious, if you quene here everyday, these food will soon be boring! However, imagine you need to paid at least 24 HK dollars to travel MTR, one McDonald Meal cost 60 HK dollars here, but someone with so much passion to promote healthy dieat, provide free food everyday, really make me "drop tears"!!!

In order to "support" them, I eat free lunch almost everyday!

食完免費飯,晚上與在UCL讀文物的S小姐到倫敦歌劇院,買4鎊學生票看華格納歌劇《尼布龍的指環》,指環全套要做都要做三日,我們看的只是頭4幕。華格納我麻麻地,若要花多於10鎊便不會入場了,若是換Verdi, Puccini,花2、30鎊坐第一排也願意。
看完後,與Patrick、在King's College讀語言學的兩位F小姐,到「大排檔」茶餐廳食宵夜。小xx,呢間餐廳服務態度,簡直十個劣,茶葉得果幾條,完全無茶味,但就每人收八蚊茶錢,仲要計加一。離開倫敦前,一定要燒左呢間鋪頭。

6 則留言:

大小姐 說...

如果想留多d錢看劇,真係日日哽free lunch都制喎...畀左錢又看不到裸女,你又真係失策d喎..呵

匿名 說...

你成日食人地啲free lunch就叫做支持人地,原來你成支持個啲畀你搵著數既人...呵呵呵


匿名 說...

你成日食人地啲free lunch就叫做支持人地,原來你成支持個啲畀你搵著數既人...呵呵呵


ss_ter 說...

原來D FREE LUNCH 係齍呀?ohh ~ 成日食齍唔得wor ! 你快d 搵返d 肉食啦~ 話晒都係發育時期!

Chong Hiu-yeung (莊曉陽) 說...





匿名 說...

原來你走左去睇the ring!是die walkure還是gotterdammerung?
