

Food for Run and Thought 36

「That's the thing about running: your greatest runs are rarely measured by racing success. They are moments in time when running allows you to see how wonderful your life is.」Kara Goucher, American long-distance runner

「It takes faith and the courage to risk failure in order to realize one's destiny. Having had my share of failures throughout my career I know that it is well worth the risk.」Ryan Hall, American long distance runner and winner of the 2008 United States Olympic Marathon Trials

「Running puts me in a positive state of mind. I'm constantly getting ideas for stories on the run.」Pam Oliver, Fox NFL reporter

「Running in the morning has me appreciate all the choices that come later in the day. The choices I make after running seem healthier, wiser and kinder.」Deena Kastor

「I grew up believing that once you completed a marathon it was as if you had been sworn into a secret society. A society of runners who become sisters and brothers, bonded by blisters, chaffing, dehydration, cramping and intense pain! We will have endured the same rigorous path together.」Shalane Flanagan
