



恨自己懂得太少。最近這三周,SOAS的Middle East Society舉辦了一連三周的講座,邀請學者Tariq Ramadan講授Political Islam,雖然要收十鎊(160蚊),周一晚上舉行,但也是坐滿聽眾,這個題目算是當前的顯學,我也湊熱鬧買票聽。講得極有條理,但就要極花精神聽(也因為太花精神,連續兩週都中途睡了一會,所以聽了也是不太懂)。
香港大概沒有人知誰是Tariq Ramadan,我也不知道,翻查網頁才知道,此君是手執歐洲伊斯蘭教研究的牛耳,埃及Muslim Brotherhood(伊斯蘭兄弟會,首個Political Islam、Fundamentalist的組織)的創辦人Al Banna,就是他的祖父!!!(唔好問我,點解佢姓Ramadan,唔係姓Al Banna。你唔知,我一樣唔知!!!)Al Bana於49年被政府暗殺,他一家也被趕離埃及,Ramadan的父親就在瑞士定居,他從小到大接受西方教育,是開明的學者。
實在太多太多太多東西不懂,Christmas的reading list又多一本書,《Political Islam》,幸好我來這裡讀書的期望:即使成績是全班最差,來到香港很可能是懂得最多那個。也是這一句:若沒有興趣讀下去,恐怕一早已被深奧難懂的reading打殘了。
今天上Modernization of the Middle East的導修課,仍然也是似懂非懂,但幸好最後一課,老師也簡單總結一下,這個學期教了甚麼,總算弄明白多一點!也終於知道,原來讀歷史是這一回事。

我應該算是主修歷史,因為三科之中,有兩科都是歷史系開的,包括Modernization of the Middle East及Israeli, Palestinian and the Arab World。讀歷史不是讀教科書、去死記硬背過去發生甚麼事,而是重新回到歷史現場,嘗試用不同角度、套用社會學的理論和框架(一大堆Marxism的階級與Mass、Weber的Urban、Wallestein的World System...)去看那些事件、甚至去翻案、重新去論述該段歷史,撥開Stereotyp、政治宣傳口號。

讀伊朗、土耳其的現代化、土耳其、伊朗及埃及的革命,不是去看18XX年發生甚麼事?簽了甚麼喪權辱國的條約?割甚麼地賠多少款?那個官員賣國?而是學Ancient Empire的架構、Reformation、Revolution、Nationalism及Colonialism,由四個框架去了解中東的現代化。

上學期針對Reformation and Revolution,下學期就探討Nationalism and Colonialism。今天老師也派了下學期的論文題目,五選一,內容如下:
1. Discuss the view that the emergence of nation states in the Middle East after the First World War represented a radicail break in the history of the region.
2. The history of modernity and the nation in the Midde East in the 20th Century can be best understood as ensembles of institutions, practices and ideas and fields of social struggle that are not created or constrained solely by individuals, institutions and idelogies promoted by the state.
Discuss with refereence to one or more examples of popular mobilization from the region.
3. Religious, sectarian, tribal and ethnic loyalities, not the practices of the modern state, hindered the development of a cohesive national community in Iraq during the monarchy.
4. With reference to Syria or Palestine in the period between the Two World wars, characterize the profile of notables as "nationaist" and "anit-colonial" elites.
5. Nationalism was the most potent form in which the modern idea of secular society expressed itself in the late Ottoman Empire and in republican Turkey. Discuss.
PS:倫敦的Trafaglar Square,現在每天都有Christmas Carol,可能未近聖誕,氣氛還是差一點。

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