

Reunion with Emma (African Trip Travelmate)

在倫敦最頻密的活動,除了讀書、免費電影、研討會外,就是舊朋友重逢。昨天參加了英國友好Emma Francis的生日會,去年9月我在南非洲參加義工團兼Zambia及Botswanna旅遊,Emma就是團友之一。(圖左一,攝於Zambezi River Bank。右一是Hamed Moradi,波斯裔澳洲人,在澳洲讀Physics PHD,也是一直保持聯絡的友好,他教曉我不少伊朗的事。右二的June沒有聯絡了。)


在Cantebury修讀歷史的Emma在NGO工作,本年九月轉移陣地,去Borneo婆羅洲餵猩猩,Emma同馬來西亞都有些少淵源,他男朋友的母親是馬來亞人。上星期收到她的邀請,去Pub及Disco慶祝生日後,不用想也答應去了,既可以見回舊朋友,又有機會接觸一些英國人,畢竟讀書與international students碰面機會較多,英國人反而少見,認識多些英國朋友,了解他們的文化也好。




Egyptian Cinema

In theory, I only need to attend 10 hours of lessons per week and enjoy day off on Thursday. In reality, I stayed in School almost everyday from morning until library close, because there are too many informative seminar and interesting class. Starting from last week, I add "Middle East Movie and Cinema" into my schedule.

The class hour of this course is extremely long, from 1pm to 6pm every Thursday because movie time is included. The lecturer is a Taiwan Chinese Lady who also teaches Arabic in SOAS. I didn't take this course because I was misled by our department, the staff told me this course didn't exist but actully it is still carrying on!

The first term concentrates in Egyptian cinema. Last lesson we watched a film produced in 1961(5 years after revolution), named "A man in the house". Egypt at that time is ruled by Nasser's authoritarian and nationalist government. The content and story of this movie, is really similar to the revolutinary and propaganda film which Chinese Communist Party produced(Such as 民族的吼聲,當年的GPA3075,由SY帶隊去電影資料館). The signal, the movie language is so similar! I cannot stand laughing during the whole course.

Although the political agenda is obvious in this film, it is still very interesting and funny. The story is adapted from a novel. It is about a man named Ibrahim, who assisinated the UK backed puppert Prime Minister because the government was too corrupted and massacred their own people in demonstration.

He escaped from the jail afterward, and seeked "asylum" from one of his friend Mohem who was totally insulated from politics because police probably wouldn't target on this family. During his asylum, lots of jokes interwined into the tension between police and each family member. Of course, at last Ibrahim died but his party overturned the corrupted government finally.

The history of Egyptian movie is quite interesting, before 1956 revolution, happy and interesting musical was the main genre. After 1956, most social sectors were nationalized and movie become the tool of ruler to mobilize the mass for political agenda. After 1967, the humiliated defeat by Israel in 6 days war, the sentiment of Egyptian film changes again.(will study later, need to discuss movie in English, difficult!)

How good if I can only attend the classes and learn but don't need to submit homework and take examinations?

PS:鬼腳七,跑東廊都make sense。你都可以唔報名,學我咁咪得囉!


Learning Arabic in Yemen is better than studying Middle East in London

I have already attended 4 weeks class and October will finish very soon. I am still getting used to be a student again, for example: I often fall asleep when I flip through my readings, cannot concentrate on reading hard academic books, everyday spends lots of time in library but only read few pages... One year is too short, how good if I can have one more year?

If I draw a conclusion about how is studying Middle East Studies? Whether it is useful or not? The answer will be:

Learning Arabic in Yemen is more fruitful than studying Middle East in London. Travelling in Palestine, Israel and visiting Al-Jazeera is more eye-opening than reading the academic journals and books. Even living with Pakistanians or Middle Easterners, is better than discussing the complicated seminar question with European.(It is so pity that I don't have one Muslim Neighbour) And of course, the most important thing is English.

Actually the best class I attend is Middle East Media and Politics. That class only has 8 students and half of them have journalistic experience including me(one works for Sweden Paper, one is producer of BBC program, Hard Talk). Ironcially, this course cannot be selected because it is from Media faculty.

Of course, I don't mean studying Middle East is no use, although 99% of readings and books is extremely difficult(Zionist Idea, Modernization theory, the theory is not very difficult, but the English is very complicated!!!), at least I can learn something after intensive reading for 1 year. However, if I want to report international news in future, this degrees surely is not enough.




套戲完全沒有內容,若仍留少少面子給導演,一句總結就是「Italo Calvino的如果在冬夜、一個旅人」的電影版。Calvino這本小說是奇筆,但若把小說拿來拍電影,根本沒有可能拍到一隻有意義的故事,這套電影就是這樣,導演想到那裡,就拍到那裡,最後來一個蘇菲的世界式結局,原來主角又是另有其人。難得散場後,還有鬼佬拍掌!那些鬼佬大概是種族主義者,覺得中國人可以拍到電影,已經是成就!





London Marriotts' starter and main course

Everytime when you report Hong Kong news outside China, free good food in business lunchoen is one reward. I tried the dishes from Astor-Waldolf Hotel in NY, Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Washington DC, and this time is in London Marriotts. In Singapore, I supposed can have chace to try黃亞細肉骨茶,however the staff don't want to extend opening hours for Bow Tie Tsang!

The starter is sashimi with tuna, delicious! First time eat sashimi in London!

The main course: Potato and duck meat, the best duck I ate for a long time!

Although Hong Kong Chinese press reporter's salary is low, working hour is long and low social status, you still can enjoy other kinds of benefit and exposure,令人又恨又愛。


今天由朝忙到晚,上完兩節早堂即開工。先是到Royal Horse Guard Hotel找民主派講訪英會面請況及食飯、到LSE寫稿傳相、旅發局馬術活動、民主之父到LSE開壇講香港民主、晚上貿發局晚宴...八點半起身,十二點三先回家,忙了一整天,又再重拾出trip工作的節奏。以往未試過在倫敦工作,雖然也是採訪香港新聞,但總算是在倫敦有「工作經驗」了。

PS:附帶一提,貿發局晚宴在倫敦Marriotts,也趁機免費擦了餐三個course的晚飯!Main course的鴨肉好好好食!!!
PS:Albert, I ate with Martin Lee on last Sunday in Queensway and he recommend Four Season to me! Tell you more later, will swtich to English in next blog.




這間餐廳好得,價錢合理、服務一流、食物質素有香港水平,日後食中餐,真係要離開Leicester Square,改去Queensway。民主之父話,大班每次到倫敦都在這裡食飯,除了「喜相逢」外,「文興」的燒鵝都好靚,7、8鎊一隻(食個難食的Fish and Chips都要5鎊,付多兩鎊有燒鵝,咁梗係食燒鵝!)。
PS:回家途中,被差佬查身份證,話要做Secruity Control,問我今日做過乜,係邊度住。難得我的地址註冊仍未改,仍是Patrick家,希望唔好麻煩到佢。


今天,與11年沒有見面、差不多失散的中學同學S小姐,在倫敦South Thames Bank的咖啡店,重逢倫敦就是這樣奇怪,很多在香港沒有機會碰面、又或你意想不到的人,忽然又會在倫敦出現,在半個地球以外,兩條平行線又會相遇交錯。



一聊就是整個下午,談談這大家這十年的人生是怎樣過?由會考後說起,談到我在新學校念預科是怎樣?A Level最後拿甚麼成績?為何大學選修測量?如何在英國英國做測量師?記者又做甚麼工作?為何在這裡讀書?最重要,還是互相聊聊還有聯絡的中學同學近況,我自從轉校後,只有少數舊同學仍有聯絡了,從S小姐口中得知,原來當年屋村中學的同學,不少都有高薪厚祿...兩人像砌拼圖一樣,盡量把當年的5D班同學拼出全圖。



Free Lunch and 4 pounds Opera

There is no free lunch in the world, but free lunch is provided in SOAS everday and everyone is welcomed!

Free lunch is provided by an organization which promote vegetarian diet. Around 12:45pm, the volunteer set up kisok near the school main gate and start to distribute free lunch, until 1:45pm. The food is very simple, rice with vegetatable, potato and green beans. If you join the quene earlier, you probably will get orange/apple/pear or a small cake!

This free lunch can't be said as very delicious, if you quene here everyday, these food will soon be boring! However, imagine you need to paid at least 24 HK dollars to travel MTR, one McDonald Meal cost 60 HK dollars here, but someone with so much passion to promote healthy dieat, provide free food everyday, really make me "drop tears"!!!

In order to "support" them, I eat free lunch almost everyday!

食完免費飯,晚上與在UCL讀文物的S小姐到倫敦歌劇院,買4鎊學生票看華格納歌劇《尼布龍的指環》,指環全套要做都要做三日,我們看的只是頭4幕。華格納我麻麻地,若要花多於10鎊便不會入場了,若是換Verdi, Puccini,花2、30鎊坐第一排也願意。
看完後,與Patrick、在King's College讀語言學的兩位F小姐,到「大排檔」茶餐廳食宵夜。小xx,呢間餐廳服務態度,簡直十個劣,茶葉得果幾條,完全無茶味,但就每人收八蚊茶錢,仲要計加一。離開倫敦前,一定要燒左呢間鋪頭。



Full day packed with lessons, movie, seminar...

10am: Politics and Society in Middle East
11am: Modernization of Middle East
1:30pm: Free documentary about Cyprus (fucking boring and don't know what the hell is that)
3:00pm: Theory in films and media (sit in this class, started to fall sleep)
5:00pm: Seminar about Poland, Russia and China media industry (left in the mid-way because I am too tired!)
AFter 7:00pm: Study in Library

Whole day attending English speaking lessons actually is very tiring! I get 8.5 in IELTS listening exam, but I cannot say my listening is good because I still need to pay "extra" attention and effort in order to catch everyword, special nouns spoken by teachers and of course I cannot catch them all in every lesson.

Moreover, we need to participate the discussion during the lesson, sometime I really don't know what the fucking hell these students were talking! Their question is too long and structure is too too too complex!

When I back to hostel, most of time is too tired and don't want to touch the text book and readings again. Language is really important, how good if my English is better? What I need actually is not an extra degree, but is be more fluent in English.

Except rare occasion(eat with friends, birthday party), actually most of time is studying alone. because my course dones't require any group project and only 4 persons shared a big kitchen(not many chances to meet ppl in hostel). Actually, there are not many chances to meet new friends.

So, LM, thanks your "encouragement", but I really don't think I can have mind and time to know girls now.



我住的Paul Robeson House B座周四搞完Party後,隔離D座的挪威仔Emil昨天生日,我第一個在SOAS識的學生就是Emil,於是獲邀參加D座六樓的生日party。出席的還有挪威仔(忘記名字)、挪威女Tuva、美國仔(Dan)、美國女(Saskia)、俄羅斯仔(Dmitry)、泰國女Kob、台灣女Mui、德國女Catherine、英國女Sally,還有路過的摩洛哥仔、希臘仔、帶埋BB來讀書的韓國少婦...

不少人一早在廚房預備各地的特色小菜,呢餐肯定是來倫敦後最豐富的西餐。呢幢樓特別多人學中文,Emil就是讀中文,Catherine和Sally不是修讀中文,但都能操國語,還有Mui與我,遲些肯定可以在宿舍搞Chinese Society。我還可以幫修讀中文的人做功課。
來自台灣的Mui是「奇人」,台灣的非洲、拉丁美洲的邦交國、西非差不多去勻,做了34年人,去了30多個國家,交英國鬼男朋友,Spoken English比我好得多,至少無口音;同時又可以寫毛筆字,曾經幫台灣公視寫電視劇本、寫中文小說投稿,也得過獎。她undergrad至研究院研究腦神經,之後到哥斯達尼加(台灣邦交國)做支援當地工作,去到發現原來很多人都想學中文,於是轉行教中文,到SOAS也是念中文,希望取個中文學位,然後就有資格到美國教中文了。
Mui來英國之前,就在西非Bukina Faso教了兩年中文,學生由六歲至六十五歲不等,到如此赤貧、登革熱、瘧疾地區教中文,還要一教兩年,本身已可以寫隻故仔。我能夠講得出,Bukina Faso是台灣邦交國後,她像發現新大陸一樣,覺得找到人是明白台灣及中國,於是belibala,講講講講講...因為她過去數年,都沒有遇到可以談這些話題的華人,香港人通常國語不好、與大陸人談政治只有統一、她遇到台灣人也不談這樣。


Another weekend

又一星期。本星期節目是:早上至中午,參與支持緬甸民主遊行兼幫手擺檔簽名。(Morning, participate fighting for Burma democracy movement and be a volunteer)
下午:留圖書館讀書。(Afternoon, stayed in library for studying)

晚上:學校有免費Jewish及Arabic Music concert。Evening, attend concert. Jewish Music is excellent,songs lyric is the poem with 1000 years old, composed by El Andalus' Jews in Moorish Spain. Arabic music is fair.
In Hong Kong, surely no Jewish and Arabic music concert! Even in HK arts festival!


My Jewish Teacher

One of my major is Palestinian and Israeli conflict, taught by Dr Colin Shindler who is Jews. He is pro-Israel and will present Israeli side's story more obviously.

At the first beginning, Dr Shindler quoted Professor Mark Tessler's saying :

"The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a struggle between good and evil but rather a confrontation between two peoples who deserve recognition and respect, neither of whom has a monopoly in behaviour that is praiseworthy or condemnable."

Afterward, he raised a question: Were Palestinian forced to leave their home during the war in 1948? How many Palestinians left actually? Then he quoted 3 different statistics from Isreali authority and some scholars...

Finally, his anwer is: No, because Palestinians were not forced to leave, most of them left before the war broke out voluntarily. Or Yes, because lots of Palestinians escaped after Israel got independence!

So, the most important thing to look at Israeli and Palestinian question is: don't be cheated by political slogan.

Surely, it is the correct attitude of conducting research. However, discuss whether Palestinian were forced to leave, is just like: discuss how Japanese occupied Nanjing? Japan "entered" Nanjing or massacre happened in World War 2?

The solid fact is, several millions of Palestinian lost their home after Israel gained independent! Arguing how many people are forced to leave, how many people died in Nanjing is relatively meaningless! When you go into such kind of details, fact will be blurred and forgotten.

A few Middle Easterners in my class and they definitely don't agree with Dr Shindler. I expect this will be an exciting class.

Back to School again

Yesterday I attended my first class "successfully" and today I had another class. I needed to take 2 major course and 1 minor course with one dissertatation. There are lots of choice in Middle Eastern Studies, for example: Middle East Politics, Middle East Society, Mordernization of Middle East, Arabic films and cinema, Israeli and Palestinian, Origin of Islam, Central Asia Politics... However the timetable of these courses often crash each other. Actually choices are limited.

At last, I chose these three courses: Modern Trend in Islam; Israeli, Palestinian and Arab World; Modernity and Transformation of Middle East from 1838 to 1958. However, I still haven't decided which should be my major.

It supposed that we can choose "Jihad, Al-Qaeda and Terrorists" this year, however the department head told us and joked, "that teacher is off this year, if you want to study this course, you can change from 1 year full time to 2 year half time and take it next year!"

This is really a disappointing fact. That course is on the list in school website, however no one informed us that was cancelled. If I come here for studying Jihad and Al-Qaeda, I must be pissed off.

Why I chose these 3? It seems Israeli and Palestinian problem is not extremely difficult for me to understand and I have some relevent background as I have been to both places.

Modernity of Middle East, because I have already studied the Chinese history and Meiji Restoration in Japan, but I don't know much about Middle East modernization. It will be interesting to know why modernization of Middle East is far lag behind Japan and even China although Middle East is the first part of Asia which was challenged by western world.

Whole Arabic culture and thinking is related closely with Islam. So study Islamic thought for me is a must, although it probably is the most difficult subject.

Except my regular class, I was also required to take in-session English writing course because my score of IELTS in writing is 6 (my average mark is 7.5. Comprehension 9, Listening 8.5, Oral 7). And I will probably audit some more classes for interest. For example, I probably will sit the class "politics and communication in Middle East", "Politics and government in Middle East", "African Movie" and "Modern Turkey". Anyway, it depends on how much time I have and my workload.

There are lots of Current Affairs seminar and Free-movie in this school. Every Monday evening, the Jewish studying centre will invite scholars to talk about Israel, today afternoon I watched a documentary which is about 2 Bangledesh girls in London, which was arranged marrige with the Bangledesh guys they don't know before.

Although London's studying cost is expensive, you can only experience the diversity of culture in this place.



After a long long long waiting, the report of Al Jazeera could be publish on SCMP last Saturday. I really appreictate SCMP Ambrose's help, he advised me how to write a story for SCMP and finally saved this interesting story.

I gave this story to Appledaily and This story should be published in Appledaily. However Appledaily paid no attention to this scoop story and they had no heart to modify it, just put it into the fridge and let it die.

Here is the story, you can read it now:

Al-Jazeera focuses on telling the China story

‘Arab CNN’ prepared to take on issues sensitive to Beijing, writes Chong Hiu-yeung

Riding the Olympic tide and taking advantage of growing ties between China and Middle Eastern countries, Al-Jazeera –the “Arab CNN” – is increasing its operations on the mainland.

And the maverick Qatar-based network, which has raised the ire of western critics because of its coverage of the Iraq war and its airing of messages from Osama bin Laden, says it will take a similarly no-holdsbarred approach to issues perceived as sensitive in Beijing.

In the coming months, Al-Jazeera’s English channel will expand its Beijing bureau; it also plans to establish an office in Shanghai. Al-Jazeera English has four main broadcast headquarters – the Qatari capital Doha, London, Washington and Kuala Lumpur.

Steve Clark, director of news for Al- Jazeera International, says the network almost chose Hong Kong as its Asia-Pacific regional headquarters in 2004, but eventually opted for Kuala Lumpur, though only for financial reasons.

“We went to Hong Kong, we spent several days there meeting all kinds of officials, we looked at studios, we looked at property, we looked at offices. We left Hong Kong on the flight to Kuala Lumpur, almost decided that it would be the place.”

The government was eager to attract Al-Jazeera, he adds. Talks with Hong Kong officials lasted several days, and the network looked at possible premises. Mr Clark says Kuala Lumpur was
eventually chosen because rents were much cheaper rather than because of fears about the future of press freedom in Hong Kong, as was reported at the time.

Al-Jazeera first launched as an Arabic news channel in 1996, backed and funded by the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, and made its name as an independent voice in a region where many nations strictly controlled their media.

In the ensuing decade, the “Arab CNN”gained popularity and notoriety in equal measure with its unflinching coverage of Middle Eastern issues, not least its exclusive broadcasts of tapes released by bin Laden and other al-Qaeda figures.

This has prompted accusations from western critics that Al-Jazeera is no more than a mouthpiece for terrorists. Mr Clark denies this, saying bin Laden approached the network not because it was proterrorist but because it was the most popular news channel in the Middle East.

Another argument Al-Jazeera raises is that it does not broadcast all the messages released by bin Laden; they are shown only if the news value warrants it.

“In the early days, bin Laden would release a tape and it would be handed to Al-Jazeera Arabic,” says Mr Clark.“Al-Jazeera Arabic would look at this tape and judge the news value. They didn’t use all the tapes they received. There are many that weren’t used because they
didn’t say anything [newsworthy].”

Nowadays, al-Qaeda prefers to get is messages out via the internet and no news channel, Al-Jazeera included, has had a tape directly from bin Laden since 2004.

Al-Jazeera is no longer focused on just the Middle East – its English-language service was launched last year, and with China’s increasing importance – not least because of the Olympics, which will put the mainland in the world spotlight like never before – the network is responding with more coverage.

As with western networks, Al-Jazeera’s television news is blocked on the mainland. But despite the limited press freedom, channel bosses say they have not faced difficulties in covering sensitive topics, nor any interference from officials.

This year, Al-Jazeera covered politically sensitive issues like Uygur demands for independence in Xinjiang and the Dalai Lama’s concerns about his Tibetan homeland.

“We – like everybody else in China, like the BBC and CNN – we report every day, and we have never been stopped from reporting a story,” Mr Clark says.

“In fact, we occasionally repeat the halfhour interview with the Dalai Lama. We’ve shown it several times. I don’t know whether they like our story or dislike our story, but we have [also] covered the issue of the Uygur people.

“We have been dealing with the Chinese government now for one year. We dealt with the Chinese government before we launched. We have had no problems.”

Although Al-Jazeera has covered topics considered taboo in Beijing, it has had no negative effect on relations between the two countries. China’s ambassador in Qatar even visited the network’s Doha headquarters two months ago and left a message of goodwill in the VIP book.

Certainly, energy-hungry Beijing has no wish to fall out with Qatar. The Persian Gulf state has the world’s third-largest reserves of natural gas, and business ties are close. Chinese companies are increasing their presence and plenty of Chinese people
work there.

Human rights on the mainland remains a sensitive topic which gets plenty of play
in western media, but Mr Clark is guarded about the approach Al-Jazeera will take.
“We will report any stories which interest the world audience, anything new which hasn’t already been done by the western channels,” he says.

He refers to the Darfur crisis as an example, saying that only Al-Jazeera broadcasts stories regularly on the warravaged Sudanese region, and hints that it would adopt a similar approach where mainland news is concerned.

Al-Jazeera’s English channel now employs 300 reporters, but intends to hire more to cover China.“We are about to employ 64 more journalists around the world,” he says. “Imagine covering world news is just like a chessboard; you have to decide where the best position is for your people. So yes, we will have extra people in Beijing.”




去到班房已有五個學生,但我們等到半小時,也沒有人來上課!「中亞政治社會」的同時,有「猶太復國主義」,反正我也是旁聽,不如改為聽這科Zionist Ideology,怎料去到班房,一個人也沒有!今天原本希望上的堂,全部食白果。

後來去辦公室問,職員才說「中亞政治社會」的授課老師應該是今年退休,這科「應該」是取消了,但不敢肯定!至於Zionist Ideology,我沒有去錯班房,只是老師可能臨時改了課室!可見這問學校的網上時間表好有問題,根本不可信。結果整個下午,就留在各個系的辦公室,核對未來數天的時間表!

表面上看,中東研究有很多有意思的課程可以修,但實際上全部撞時間,根本選擇有限,想旁聽也不能。例如:中東比較政治,就與以巴衝突、及中東文化與社會相撞;伊朗阿拉伯電影與社會,就與Modern Trend in Islam撞...有意思的課,全部都是那某幾節時間,其餘時間則甚麼課也沒有!

根據學校的網上資料,原本還有一科:Jihad, Al-Qaeda and Terrorist可以修讀,有同學甚至已註冊了為Major科。但怎料系主任最近才說,該授課老師本年不在本校,沒有這科讀了,他說笑道:想修讀這科的,或可以考慮改兩年part-time,明年請早啦!(幸好我不用付學費,若是花真金白銀來讀,肯定谷x氣)




周六玩了整天,原本打算今天閉關讀書,怎料昨天回到宿舍查電郵,學生會通知天會有反緬甸軍政遊行,十二時Trafalgar Square出發,反正從來未參與倫敦遊行,當然是支持民主重要、讀書其次了!
