

Letter to Hong Kong

Dear Albert,

I really appreciate your help!!! I will pay you an extreme good meal if you go to London or when I come back to Hong Kong!!!

It is unbelievable that today is already 14/11! In London(surely in Hong Kong), the restaurants, the shopping malls and the shops start offering Christmas promotions. London now is quite cold, but not as cold as I expected, I probably brought too many clothes. I should bring more preserved sausages and Chinese food instead of think clothes!

My first term will also finish very soon. However I am still quite confused because I am not efficient enough to do more background reading before attending the class. Ask you a question first, do you know who is Jabotinsky? Begin? Ben-Gurion? Haj Amin al-Husseini? Me too, I also don't know! I only know the airport in Tel Aviv is called Ben-Gurion airport, he is the first prime minister of Israel. Then what is his ideology? Sorry, I don't know.

Every day after come back to hostel, I just want to take a long rest and do nothing anymore, too tired. Tomorrow I need to do a presentation about Tanzimat, but I am just too tired to finish it. Then I would understand why the PHD student of UST chose to hang himself!!!

I know I need to start writing my essays as soon as possible! But I am just too lazy and tired to think of it. Look at the clock now, it is 12:30am again! God!!! Can you give me a little bit more time everyday???


4 則留言:

匿名 說...

Everyone has 24 hours and you have fully utilize the 24 hours already. Do your best!

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

No need to worry too much la, the first term is like this for everyone, let alone someone in a completely different environment, using a different language, and studying a completely new topic. I'm sure your tutors will understand and will be impressed by your enthusiasm.

Also, after your first term, your efficiency will improve. You will get used to a certain 'rhythm' of studying, and all of a sudden it will become smoother. The books will be found more easily, you'll realise which chapters to concentrate on, and realise when you've read enough and start writing.

But these first essays will be tough! Add oil.

My boss has ordered i clear all my leave, so now i am flying to germany at the end of december, and may drive up to London on Jan 6.

Enjoy your christmas there. If it doesn't rain too much, there is a wonderful atmosphere there, much nicer than in HK. I look forward to reading your experience of a London Christmas!


匿名 說...

To anonymous: Thank you!

隊友:Here is not very cold. Or I should say my ability of enduring cold is better than most people from Hong Kong.

Albert:Thank you! I hope so, every time when I attend tutorial or prepare essays, I really feel how rubbish and how ignorant I am!!!

Among all the difficulties, language is the main problem. I cannot read very fast, I need to think think think, how to present complex idea in simple English...

I should learn English well when I a kid. Although I will live here for one year,只是三年之艾、難養七年之病。
