


也門的國菜Salta(photo 1 to 3 below)相當美味。去到賣Salta的餐廳,侍應送上兩煲滾燙燙的糊,一煲由薯仔、菜及蛋煮成、另一煲有羊肉及黏稠的肉汁,加上一點青芥。食法十分簡單,把麵包(大小因餐廳而異,有的好x大塊;有的只是普通一塊)撕成一小塊,然後點在兩盤活火山裡,裹上火辣辣的糊及羊肉就搞掂(小心不要燙到手)。



Above pictures are Yemeni food. Photo 1 to 3 are called "Salta". Everyone is served some bread(the size of bread served depends on which restaurant) 2 boiling thick soap in black bowls, one with vegetable, egg and potato, another with mutton. Then tears the bread into small pieces, dips it into the black bowls and eats with hand.
It cost less than 20 HK$ (with coke) per person and can make you fucking full. It is so delicous and so cheap!
Except "Salta", rice, bread and chicken are also the main dishes of Yemeni. However they all use bare hand to eat rice! If you don't ask for spoon, it won't be served!!! I eat Rice, bread(free as you order anyfood) and vegetable sometimes, only 10 HK$ can make you fucking full again.

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

蔗渣都要10幾蚊??? 你買乜富豪蔗渣架?


KI 說...
匿名 說...

又平又好味, 唔怪得知出發前唔約我地食飯啦, 唔理你呀,去英國前點都出黎食返餐呀.

匿名 說...

15 HK$, can only buy 2 McChicken, or one fair "cha shiu rice" without drinks. Compare with these 2, of course Salta is much more better la!!!


匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Mr Lam: I haven't written the bad things here!

Actually we wrongly employed a very PK "tour guide" in the mountain and he made we all very angry. Luckily, memory is selective, happy things can always be remembered.

Ms Chu,
It is not my fault a! I am not the only busy guy a!
