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First reply:Pat and Kwei, thanks! So this Thur morning to Fri evening, I went hiking with 2 classmates for 2 days in nearby Yemeni village and mountain. The scenary is really great, we look at the Yemeni sunset on 3000M mountain. I will write about this trip next time.

Kwei, you are right! So next week, I will try to get a permit to Marib(the terrorist attack happened last month) because it is prohibited to forigner now. As I have press card, I guess it is possible for me to go to Marib with that 2 classmates(they can speak Arabic, one can be my "Cam Man", another is my "interpreter"). If I can make it, then I will end my studying one week earlier(given that they refund me because I paid for 4 weeks)

Fai, thanks for your information. Maybe the "real" Arabic still exists, just like Chinese "big writing" number still exist and is used now. Actually "real" Arabic number is also convienent and simple, given that "real" arabic number is the first numberic system you learn. Just like English spelling of 1, 2, 3 into one, two and tree. In arabic language, 1 is wahad, 2 is ithnan and 3 is thalath. The most difficult is to spell 1, 2, 3 with Arabic letters!!!Arabic language seems a "popular" topic(with 7 comments), I will write more about this later.

Diana, you are right, at least Arabic has grammar and rules need to follow, "green paper" don't have any grammar and rules. It depends on Beijing's decision.

Fion, it is really a hard work. Compared with other student here(they start studying Arabic in secondary or in University and have leisure to spend 3, 6 months or even 1 year to polish their language skill), I am a late starter and I don't have the such kind of leisure to concentrate on just studying one language.

Acutally my level can only say hello, ask how old are you? What's your name? Did you (do what) yesterday? Ask how much of this in shop?(but I only learn 1 to 9, so if the cost is not 1 to 9$, I don't understand!!! It is the same as I haven't learnt "how much". Such a great joke!)

If you don't use language, you cannot improve, especially I am not good at learning language. I still have no leisure to only deal with one language. This is my biggest problem.

To Albert, I don't know. The computers here all show Arabic, I think I can find it.

5 則留言:

匿名 說...

做乜讀乜都好,最緊要自己覺得開心,咁樣過日子先正過得爽.ps 收無收到email丫你?

匿名 說...

你知喇,中國同也門咁友好,萬一俾中國政府知道你以蘋果記者身分潛入也門採訪,隨時派件國安拘捕你架.仲有一樣野,今次你記緊訓夠先好出發,唔係到時又玩行屍走肉,唔覺意當左人地恐怖分子的基地做CHECK POINT,果時POWER JEL冇得你食,GUN POWER就大撚把你受呀.

匿名 說...



匿名 說...

莊氏, 睇左你的也門紀錄
似乎很充實, 也很有挑戰性
加油! 可能你會成為香港第一個"真正"的戰地記者(我老細從來唔認同張小姐係)

匿名 說...

Today I talked with the government official from Yemen GIS here about reporting news in Marib.

I cannot go to Marib without military escort, however the cost of escort is not extreme expensive, about 40US$ per day.

I highly probably will go to Marib as a freelance journalist from Hong Kong(so I need to bear the risk by myself). And maybe I can make a story about how Yemeni government combat with terrorist.

Anyway, I will talk to the deputy minister of Yemen GIS tomorrow. All depends on how's the talking and what they can provide.

If I can get some news and survive, this will be exciting.
