

In the final analysis we're all the same...


不跑步的人,未必會喜歡《WhatI talk about when I talk about running》。看過一本免費英文雜誌,給這本書的評價只有2/5分,大概是作者不愛跑步,沒有興趣知道太多跑手心理、想法、訓練的細節了。但對喜歡跑步的讀者,這本書就很有意思,原來我們都是這樣想、無論是村上、奧運選手還是我們,用村上英譯本的話,In the final analysis we're all the same...

「Once, I interviewed the Olympic runner Toshihiko Seko, just after he retired from running and became manager of the S&B company team. I asked him, ‘Does a runner at your level ever feel like you’d rather not run today, like you don’t want to run and would rather just sleep in?’ He stared at me and then, in a voice that made it abundantly clear how stupid he thought the question was, replied, ‘Of course. All the time!’

Now that I look back on it I can see what a dumb question that was. I guess even back then I knew how dumb it was, but I suppose I wanted to hear the answer directly from someone of Seko’s caliber. I wanted to know whether, despite being worlds apart in terms of strength, the amount we can exercise, and motivation, when we lace up our running shoes early in the morning we feel exactly the same way.

Seko’s reply at the time came as a great relief. In the final analysis we’re all the same, I thought.」P. 45-6

村上很多時候都不想出街跑,寧願留在溫暖的家,但他可是每個月,都跑超過150 miles的專業跑手。我呢?在香港也有固定練跑,一星期都有30-40公里,半夜下班回家跑步方便,藍田街道也好跑,街上沒有車輛、坐車去九龍灣運動場又近,還有友好J的免費健身室會藉,但去年九月到英國後,就沒有再固定練習了。






村上告訴我,原來不想練習,不是因為我們已失去對跑的passion,也不必因此懷疑自己,而是因為我們都是人、我們都軟弱,都要一番鬥爭後,才穿上跑鞋、踏出家門。In the final anaylsis, we're all the same.



Whenever I feel like I don’t want to run, I always ask myself the same thing: You’re able to make a living as a novelist, working at home, setting your own hours, so you don’t have to commute on a packed train or sit through boring meetings. Don’t you realize how fortunate you are? (Believe me, I do) Compared to that, running an hour around the neighbourhood is nothing, right? P.46



3 則留言:

匿名 說...




匿名 說...

現在牛津的gym會藉比倫敦貴成倍,加埋手續費,要成千元港紙一個月! 想在寒冬做運動原來一點都唔容易!!!如果你連車費都想省,咁唯有在屋企原地踏步. 哈哈. 我喜歡你有村上的老實. 不過, 加油..要練習啊!

匿名 說...

Hello~ 很棒的文章, 村上春樹的這本關於跑步的書其實他是用英文寫的, 英文版的先出了之後才有日文版... 我是看中文版的...

跑步要每天練習 - "每天" 真的不容易~~~ 加油囉!