

讀村上春樹《What I talk about when I talk about running》 2

As I was running I was struck by a thought: Even if my time in races doesn't improve, there's not much I can do about it. I've gotten older, and time has taken its toll. It's nobody's fault. Those are the rules of the game. Just as a river to the sea, growing older and slowing down are just part of the natual scenary, and I've got to accept it. It might not be a enjoyable process, and what I discover as a result might not be all that pleasant. But what choice do I have, anyway? In my own way, I've enjoyed my life so far, even if I can't say I've fully enjoyed it.

《What I talk about when I talk about running》P. 22




一直只是當跑步是keep fit,也沒有想過要參賽、要鍛造時間、要贏人家,世上太多人跑得比你快,也不可能跑贏所有人,當你的對手退役,連帶跑步目標也失去了。要參加比賽,也是當你開始把跑步變成習慣,發現自己原來可以跑一小時、十公里也不需要停、也不會累,於是就會想,不如參加一下比賽,試一試自己可以跑多快?



1 則留言:

匿名 說...

It's so interesting to learn that you participate your 5000M solely because of that reason. hahaha
You know, the older i am, the less i like running. What's a pity! Well, your enthusiastic towards running re-ignite my running spirit. Well, good job! you are influrencing ppl around you. ^_^
I still remember i like running because i was very energetic when i was a child. Similar as you, i didnot run as fast as those top athlete at school. however, i loved running and didnot want to lose. Hence, I changed my focus to long distance run so i can have higher chance to win. Thus, it is a matter of 好勝(seeking to be number one) rather than I really like long distance run(not necessarily marathon). It's bad of me. You reminded me why i started long distance run but also remind me how bad i was in the past!